Engaging in super curricular activities can be a great way to delve deeper into subjects that...
How My Super Curricular Works - Student Guide
My Super Curricular is an online learning platform packed with relevant, curated super curricular activities and resources. Students access book recommendations, online courses, publications, links to useful websites, podcasts, videos, work experiences, competitions, university events and more, all in one place.
Since super curricular activities are expected to be evidenced in students' personal statements by the majority of UK universities, we created a platform that removes the barriers when it comes to accessing super curricular resources. Most of our resources are free, easy to access and are tailored to different learning styles, time commitments, subject interests and depth of engagements.
Here is a quick and handy guide to how My Super Curricular works and tips on how to make the most of the platform.
The resources are broken down into 6 different categories:
You can filter each resource section by your favourite subject or search by keywords:
Remember to share resources with your friends and save them in your accounts to have a record of completed activities:
Your account holds saved resources and a space for notes on completed activities. These notes will be helpful reminders for interview preparation and serve as building blocks for your personal statement.
Enjoy exploring the site!