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What does super-curricular mean?

Engaging in super curricular activities can be a great way to delve deeper into subjects that you're passionate about and expand your knowledge beyond what you learn in school. These activities often allow for personalised approaches to learning, so you can explore favourite areas in a way that works best for you. You can undertake a practical project, read books and articles, follow media stories on developments in a subject that you study, watch a film based on a novel or historical event, or visit historical places, museums and galleries. 
UK universities look for candidates who show genuine subject interest, intellectual curiosity, determination and critical thinking skills. You can demonstrate and develop these by seeking out relevant super curricular activities in your free time and by including some key examples in your application.
Super curricular activities should also be interesting and challenging in their own right – if you’re doing a lot of research about your chosen university subject and finding it boring, this could be an indication that you may be better suited to studying something else.
However, there are many advantages to engaging with super curricular activities beyond the university application. Super curricular activities can help you to:
  • Find out which subject you'd like to study;Blog sharing image (1)-1
  • Expand your knowledge of your subject;
  • Develop your analysis and critical thinking skills;
  • Improve your grades;
  • Enhance your CV;
  • Prepare for studying beyond school.


Check out My Super Curricular website for regular updates and super curricular ideas.