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Super Curricular Activities For University Interview Preparation



Some of the very competitive universities and courses invite students for interviews as a part of their admissions process. These typically include Oxford and Cambridge, Imperial College London, all healthcare and teaching courses, many art and architecture-related courses and some engineering courses. 

First of all, if you've been invited to an interview - congratulations! You've already shown to be a promising applicant with the potential to meet the entry requirements.

How to prepare with super curriculars

Here's some guidance on how your super curriculars will help you prepare for your interview. Please consult university and department websites for course-specific advice.

Do your research

You will most likely be asked why you want to study the course. Read the course information and think about why you're passionate about that subject. It would be good to root your interest in some of the super curricular activities you have already completed or your school work that has inspired you to study this subject. Try linking some of your super curricular activities to the modules that the university offers. You can also demonstrate some skills that you have built as a result of your activities that will help you to be successful on the course, such as lab work, working with sources, and critical and analytical thinking. Review what you have done so far and how it inspired your choice of subject. The admissions team wants to see a candidate who is excited about studying this course for the next 3-5 years.

Revisit your personal statement

Read over your personal statement and be prepared to answer questions on what you wrote about. Your personal statement likely includes many references to super curricular activities, please review what you have completed. If you have done more than you had space to mention in your personal statement you can use this opportunity to elaborate on some of these. If you have kept a detailed reflection log, this task should be easy. 

Practice Subject- Specific Skills 

For science-related courses, you are most likely to be given a problem to solve. The admissions tutors are interested in your thought process. Going through relevant past papers for admissions tests is a good place to start your preparation. Practice problem-solving and talking through your methods and solutions. 

Think about your experience

Talking about relevant work experience or volunteering in your interview is a great way of demonstrating your interest in the subject. Think about what you've learned and the skills you've developed, and how they relate to the course. Your work experience can be also useful if you are asked about your plans after the university course, as it will help you to get a better understanding of the relevant career progression.

If you haven't done any, look for a quick online work experience. We have lots of ideas in the Work Experience and Volunteering Section of My Super Curricular website. 

Current Affairs and New Developments  

Keep an eye on what is trending in the news currently and think how this applies to your subject. Being aware of current affairs will show you as a switched-on and curious applicant, particularly if you can infer how some events may impact different areas of science and society, which might not be immediately obvious.

The same goes for developments in your subject area. Find out about recent discoveries and developments in your subject and be prepared to discuss them. This will show you are a truly committed applicant. 

Use super curricular activities to stand out in your interview! Good luck!