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Using the Covid Premium funds to support Super Curricular

We know that the Covid pandemic affected students in a variety of different ways and still throughout school these affects are being felt.  The Government introduced funding to support schools to implement strategies to enable students to 'catch up'.  In 21-22 87% of schools accessed these covid support funds but this has now reduced to 66% with some regions as low as 62%

It’s frustrating to think that there are funds out there that schools can tap into to support student progress that are clearly not being accessed. The necessity to ‘top up’ the government covid premium funds has perhaps put off some schools. The amount required to top up has increased over time but as of September, the top-up schools are required to commit increases from 40% to75%.

How about using these funds imaginatively and rather than focusing on tutoring use the funds to support intellectual curiosity, academic progress and preparation for university?  
Schools can use the funds to:
‘support to build study skills and exam resilience’,
‘enrichment activities and opportunities to build social connection’ 
‘to aid progression to the university or career of their choosing’

MySuperCurricular is built around the individual allowing each user to access the site to research and select resources and activities to enhance their understanding of a topic both within and beyond the curriculum, develop skills such as self and curriculum reflection and understand and prepare for the demands of higher education. Teaching staff can track usage and access to enable reporting and aid discussion both in the classroom and beyond.

Subscribing schools have used the funds to access one year’s subscription for their school, while others have signed up for three years to safeguard access to the resource before the need to ‘top up’ 75% of the cost.

If you're not already a subscribing school speak to us about a demonstration and how MySuperCurricular can help you to utilise funds offered by the government to support students.